Collecting art can be a real joy, and there are a few kinds of paintings that evoke as much emotion and excitement as Impressionist works. This is one of the most influential and beautiful art styles out there, and the New Impressionist movement is just as special as the original Impressionist movement was. You can find all kinds of art inside this category to grace your home or your business and bring light and life to the walls.
If you have never collected art or you have never collected in this style, you might not be sure where to begin. This is a reasonable concern, but there are some good tips and tricks that we will discuss to help you get started. Being able to add Impressionist works to your collection is really easy when you know how to shop smart and what to look for when looking at these kinds of works.
If you are ready to learn more about how to collect impressionist art the right way, you need to keep reading.
How to Get Started Collecting Impressionist Art
1. Look at a Variety of Impressionist Works to Find the Right Type of Art
Part of being a collector is figuring out what speaks to you. You might be able to categorize a piece of art as Impressionist, but if you do not enjoy the way that it looks or the piece does not speak to you, you probably don’t want to buy it. This is one of the first steps that you should take when thinking about collecting any one kind of art. You need to do some research and look at a lot of different works and artists who create in this style.
Finding the right kind of Impressionist art can be important to narrow down your search. There are actually a wide array of painters who work in this style even today, so you should not just assume that all of their works will suit you. You can find that there are also many different kinds of subject matter that specific painters like to work with, and this might influence your choice as well.
While collecting the classics is likely not an option for most people, there are still painters who work in styles that are almost identical to the original masters of Impressionist art. You can find all kinds of variety in modern works that may or may not suit your taste, and knowing what you like can be a great first step in your journey as a collector.
2. Get Impressionist Art From a Reputable Gallery
While you can try and collect art on your own, this kind of collecting is rife with difficulties. You might run into fake pieces or art that have been stolen, just to name two of the pitfalls of this kind of collecting. It is almost always a better idea to work with a skilled and reputable gallery that can help you source the art that you have been looking for.
Another benefit to shopping with the help of a gallery is that they have more connections than you do and they will be able to find works that you might not even have known existed. You will be exposed to a lot more art and many more options when it comes to adding to your collection if you choose to work with a gallery as you collect.
Galleries are also going to collect all the right provenance for the works that you buy and make sure that they are authentic. They will also help you ensure safe shipping and handling to get your art delivered to you, which can offer a lot of peace of mind. This is one of the best ways to get the art that you have been looking for without all the pitfalls that can be caused by shopping all on your own.
3. Work With an Impressionist to Get a Unique Painting
If you love the work of a specific artist, you might be able to commission a piece for yourself or to buy directly from the artist. This kind of purchase can make the collected pieces mean even more than art that has been sourced through other means. Always be respectful of the artist you are shopping with and make sure that you are not trying to push them to part with pieces that they would not normally sell or create for you on a timeline.
You want to keep your relationship with the artist open and friendly and be a good patron of their work. Being committed and supportive of an artist directly can make all the difference in the nature of your long-term relationship with this person. It can also improve your chances of securing really unique art for your collection.
4. Auctions Can Be an Excellent Source of Impressionist Art
Auctions can be a great place to get art, but you need to be careful about setting a budget and making sure that you do not go over that budget during bidding. You also should research the auction to be sure that you are going to get the kind of work that you want and to make sure that they have a good reputation as well. Auctions can come in all kinds of shapes and sizes, and there are many factors that might make a specific auction a better choice for your needs than another.
Auctions can be held completely online these days as well as hosted in person, so you can even shop at auctions that you are not able to attend in person in some cases. Just be sure that you have done your research before you assume that your art-buying process will be easy and straightforward at these events. There are many people who are not prepared for everything that the auction process entails and can get carried away at the moment just trying to buy a specific piece of art.
You can sometimes send a representative to bid on your behalf as well if you would rather allow a skilled pro to handle this task for you. Some galleries and art collector representatives can be trusted to handle this task if you are not sure that you would be able to handle the auction experience on your own.
5. Do Not Chase Trends When Purchasing an Impressionist Painting
There are so many people who let the trends that are currently popular in art influence their purchases. You can follow a trend if you like the work that is being produced out of it but doesn’t make yourself believe that you need to chase the trends to have a valid or valuable collection of Impressionist art. Trends can come and go, and you do not want your whole collection to be based on trendy items that might not end up having a long-term impact on the Impressionist movement.
Trends can become more than just a trend, but you do need to be cautious about jumping onto every bandwagon that comes along. Not everything that becomes popular will remain relevant, and you might want to be cautious about submitting to this pressure. A gallery can help you to know what is a trend and what is a lasting theme in the Impressionist movement.
6. When Buying an Impressionist Painting, Be Careful About the Price
You might be really excited about a specific artist or theme, and it can be really tempting to just buy all the various works that fit into this category. This can really add up, and sometimes people get ahead of their budget without realizing it. You will also need to remember that you might have shipping costs or storage costs for your art to consider. Making sure that you are not assuming that you need to just buy up all of the paintings and pieces that fit inside this category.
Keeping to a budget can help you to enjoy collecting art for the long term. This is always one of the first things that you should determine as your budget can impact what you are able to do with regard to collecting, and you might not be aware of what your cost will be until you have tried out collecting some pieces.
7. Have a Place to Store or Display Impressionist Art
It can sometimes be a really disappointing reality that people find out that they cannot hang pieces in the location that they were originally thinking about for their display use. You will need to be sure that you can display or store your art, or you should wait to buy it. Damaging the art that you have purchased is never a good outcome, and you should be cautious about assuming that you have room to store or display some of the art that you might be looking at.
Make sure that you talk to a gallery about storage options if you need to store a piece that you have purchased for a time, and also be sure that you think about this kind of need if you are going to move or relocate. Being careful with your art is essential, and you should protect your art with proper storage and display choices.
8. Consider Purchasing Theme Based on Impressionist Art
If you want to try and collect with a theme, you can. You might want to stick to a color scheme, a topic, or subject matter, or only collect from a specific artist alone. The way that you guide your collection doesn’t have to be this stringent, but many people try and collect within a certain set of considerations. There are various reasons that you might want to do this, but you could determine that you are not worried about this part of the collection process.
What collectors should be aware of is that collections can have value as a whole as well as value as unique pieces. If you want to create a cohesive collection, you might need to consider a theme of some sort, as this can add to your investment’s value in the future. This can also help you to have a cohesive collection that is really beautiful and relevant when displayed as a whole.
9. Meet New Impressionist Artists at Events
There are often local galleries that host painters and let them come in to talk about their work and their career from time to time. You might want to head to these events to see the works that the artist creates or to learn about the way that each artist creates art. These events can be a good way to form connections for your use for collecting and to create a bond with the gallery as well.
Artist-hosted events can also introduce you to new art that you have not seen before or help you to find out that you want to start a different collection of a new type. These events are very informative as well as very interesting to lovers of art, and you can get a lot out of going to these kinds of events if you are interested in creating an art collection of your own.
Starting an Art Collection Can be Really Exciting
If you want to start collecting art, you are probably really excited and also really nervous. There are many things to learn at the start of creating your collection, but you can use these tips and tricks to ensure that you get your collection started the right way. The better prepared you are for the art collection process, the more likely you will be to enjoy the process and stay within your budget.
Always remember that galleries can help you to create a really cohesive collection and help you to track down the art that you want most. There are many ways to go about sourcing art, but working directly with the artist or a gallery is often the best route to go. Always do your research, and make sure that you are ready to collect and ready to store or display your art before you buy. Having an Impressionist art collection can be very rewarding and very enjoyable for many reasons.